Airplane Owner's Guide to Installing Advanced Avionics:

Avoid these 5 mistakes that lead to hair-raising situations in critical phases of flight, thousands of dollars spent on avoidable post-upgrade repairs, and a cutting-edge cockpit with screens that might as well be pictures. (Even if you’ve made multiple upgrades before and feel like a pro)

Everything you need to know to tackle advanced avionics upgrades with confidence

Created by Mattie Bivens:
Flight instructor with 1000 hours of flight time, certified repair shop installation manual developer, and ghostwriter for aviation tech companies.

  • Dodge skyrocketing costs and downtime for major avionics upgrades.

  • Gain valuable insights into the behind the scenes of avionics installations.

  • Read true stories about the disasters that resulted from avoidable mistakes.

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Here's everything that's inside:

Day 1: Selecting a “quick fix” upgrade —And why this leads to more time, money and safety risks.Day 2: Dividing a major avionics upgrade into smaller upgrade projects—And why this creates an installation nightmare and results in a nonsensical instrument panel.Day 3: Installing new systems without checking compatibility—And why this leads to unsolvable bugs and reduced capability.Day 4: Not using a certified repair shop—And why this increases the risk of a major installation error.Day 5: Not learning to use the system from experts—And why this leads to dangerous inflight scenarios.